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His sire, Esperanto van Paemel, was born out of the combination of BWP-ambassador Nonstop (sire: Darco) with famous dam Rendez-Vous van Paemel, a daughter of Randel Z. Besides Esperanto van Paemel, Rendez-Vous also produced the approved stallions Cicero Z and Kingston van Paemel. Partnered with Dirk Demeersman, Cicero Z performed at the highest level in the international showjumping world, whereas Kingston van Paemel claimed for instance fourth place in the final ranking of the 2015 stallion competition. As a youngster, Esperanto van Paemel participated in showjumping classes (rider: Nick Vrins), before he started in international showjumping classes (partnered with Dirk Demeersman).

Lacata, Kasperato’s dam, is a daughter of Lacantus. Several descendants of Lacantus are performing in the international showjumping scene, such as L’Obsession (Andrea Benatti) and Lallija (Agata Mizgier). The Westphalian dam Pyrka, dam of Lacata, was a successful showjumper at M level and produced several extraordinary showjumpers, such as Calippo, Granada and Eurocommerce Sao Paolo (Gerco Schröder). Pyrka is a full sister to Paleika, who is the dam of international showjumpers Cornet’s Cristallo (Florian Meyer zu Hartum, and since 2012 Marco Kutscher) and Caesario 6 (Emanuele Gaudiano).

 In 2014, the four-year-old Kasperato van de Roshoeve was ex-aequo winner of the stallion competition. In 2015, he once again demonstrated his marvellous showjumping qualities during the stallion competition placing second in the final result.



Kasperato als 4 j te Moorsele

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