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Breeder: Koekshof / J. Evens
Owner : Roshoeve 

Quickfeuer is one of the eldest sons of the well-known international showjumper “Heartbreaker”. Heartbreaker is sired by Nimmerdor, Dutch stallion of the century. Heartbreaker is imitating his sire by founding an own stallion lineage in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany ! The dam lineage of Quickfeuer combines the famous Hanoverian progenitors Gotthard, Weingau and Absatz. The dam lineage, founded by Jacques Evens (Bocholt, Belgium), has a great reputation in Belgium and is –once more- the evidence that a good dam lineage warrants quality. Feuergold van Koekshof, dam of Quickfeuer, is dam of several outstanding showjumping horses and descendants collecting ribbons during conformation championships. Ridden by Johan Philippaerts, Janus van Koekshof (sire: Missouris II), the eldest half-brother of Quickfeuer, was successful in showjumping competitions at 1m50 level. His sister Marygold won three times the national conformation championship and became a BWP elite mare. Her grandson Feingau is an approved stallion. Rothfeuer van Koekshof, a full brother of Quickfeuer, performed at international level under the saddle of Kristof Cleeren.


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